S2AB is a concept developer with a dedication of developing, documenting, patenting and marketing value adding technologies and systems with a particular focus on quantum leaps to serve the mature part of the automotive industry, which is forced into a paradigm shift for future sustainability. When low cost entrants compete on price our concepts should compete on high customer value for dynamically safe performance, environmentally friendly use and energy efficient communication. Our business focus is on suspension and AWD transmission systems and its integration to new internal combustion engine concepts.
Since 2004 S2AB has developed groundbreaking technologies. The firm may be young and still in the start-up phase, however the people that run its operations have from life been given outside normal boundary experiences and have life long proven track-record within the automotive industry. The ideas, concepts and technologies have matured over years and are products of accumulated insight, hard dedicated labour and a passion for exploring. At the same time we acknowledge the need for further development and it is our goal to attract other skilled and exploring engineers, with great appetite for life, common values and a desire to make a difference.
It is our role as advisor, partner, and technology provider to deliver truthful answers. If you are seeking comforting ones, you have probably come to the wrong place. The issues we are dealing with are too important to be wrapped in.

Swedish Advanced Automotive Business AB; info@s2ab.se Copyright 2023, All rights reserved.